2023 ended up a little underwhelming for new projects, but that's not to say I wasn't productive.
Here's a list of everything I'm working on.
1- Remakes of my other Newgrounds exclusive tracks. I have two almost done at the moment and I'd like to have them finished and fully published by the end of the year, or at least one of the three I'm working on.
2- Five original Caro tracks. One of them is almost done. However, I'm torn between releasing that one as a single, or finishing them all as my third EP, it's hard to say right now.
3- A new collaborative project. It's been a vision of mine for a while now, and it's something I've spent most of my time working on. The songs will be similar in style to what I've worked on up to this point, but with another, familiar mind working on them as well.
4- Another secret thing. It's almost done, I don't want to give too much away.
Very excited for your new stuff. Hope the year ends awesome for you!